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Meridian Bath

Cleaning the 12 organ meridians.

Service Description

This treatment goes through all 12 organ meridians. These are the heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, heart protector, triple heater, gall bladder, liver, lungs, large intestine, stomach and spleen channels. It involves clearing blockages and draining each channel. Then, a flush with healthy vibrant Qi. Last, tonification of each channel and the energies within them, strengthening and fortifying your energy body for continued vitality. This type of treatment is wonderful for aligning the energies of the 5 elements. It also alleviates stress, anxiety, fear, anger, self-blame, guilt, worry, and grief while supporting the virtues of kindness, respect, balance, integrity, and humility. If you need a full system reset, this is the treatment for you. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions or if your thoughts have moved into a repetitive and/or unhealthy state, this treatment will help greatly to bring them into harmony. The client will often leave feeling an alignment of their mind and emotions and that the body is relaxed and renewed. To schedule an appointment please email , text or call.

Contact Details

  • 6445 Ute Hwy, Longmont, CO, USA

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