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through balance and harmony

Welcome to Qigong

Qigong is an ancient practice utilizing movement and stillness to bring awareness and breath to the flow of vital life-force energy (Qi) through the channels of the body. Based on the Chinese 5-element philosophy of biology as well as Taoist ideology, the slow movements are gentle yet dynamic and encourage holistic wellness of the physical, mental, and energetic bodies.

Benefits of Qigong

Qigong is one of the practices of Taoism. It is the process of learning how to be in harmony with Tao and a way to study how Tao manifests in this reality. The Qigong student learns to decipher the energies of yin and yang, the energies of the 5-elements, and the many qualities and subtleties of Qi.  Qi is the ever-present energetic presence manifest in all life, inside and surrounding all conscious beings.  With Qigong, we discover how these energies manifest within the physical body, in our emotions, and in our spirit, and in what ways these energies flow, become blocked, and vary in condition. With awareness of the energy centers and flowing channels of our body and being, we are able to evoke more healthful states for ourselves and for others, clearing blockages which cause disturbance, calling in fresh flowing Qi from the world around us, and harmonizing ourselves with the life-affirming source of our vitality.

Medical Qigong

Practitioners of medical Qigong are highly skilled in recognition, movement, and organization of Qi. Using the Lao Gong points (located in the palms of the hands), a practitioner will assess the energetic composition of a client, deciphering any blockages, leaks, attachments, and other disturbances in their field. The practitioner then becomes a channel through which Qi is able to be directed through the body to bring balance and restore order throughout. The flow of Qi is restored and tonified to a fluid and vital state which is the basis for holistic harmony and wellbeing. 

Medical Qigong also analyzes, balances, and fortifies the health of the 5-elements and each of the correlating organs.  This work is informed by deep study of the bodily systems, organ channels, 5-elements principles (Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy of biology), and other esoteric yet irrefutable constructions of energetic frequencies within the body and being. 

Medical Qigong is excellent for addressing a variety of emotional and psychological imbalances including stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.  It can also help heal the physical body from injury, chronic pain, and trauma. This modality uses minimal-touch and is done with a client in a relaxed position on a treatment table. The client normally leaves feeling relaxed while simultaneously feeling rejuvenated and energized.

This is a brief description of an ancient practice that takes many years to learn and a lifetime to master.

Qigong Classes

Guided form flow classes allow students of all ages, skill levels, and abilities to begin to become familiar with their own Qi through instructed movement. The forms bring awareness and connect the breath to kinetic movement relative to the flow of Qi through the body.  The slow movements are gentle yet dynamic and encourage active participation in one’s own holistic wellness of the physical, mental, and energetic bodies.


Each form is selected for its nourishing, balancing, and tonifying effects and are reflective of the current season.  Certain forms are pertinent year-round and will be often used, allowing for a gradual building of familiarity with these forms, while others flow in and out throughout the year according to the changing needs of the students. 

Light commentary from the instructor illuminating key aspects and purposes of certain forms as well as a background of the three Tan Tiens and relevant 5-elements themes and corresponding seasons is given throughout the class to enrich understanding.

This is a meditative class which requires concentration and openness and is open to all students, novice through advanced, who would come to benefit from it, including elders, those seeking healing from illness or injury, and those physically disabled.

Classes are offered in-person and online.

Mondays 7-8 pm at Congregation Nevei Kodesh, 1925 Glenwood Dr, Boulder

Fridays 9-10 am on the south side of North Boulder Park, weather permitting.

$10-30 sliding scale.


David Gonzales

David is a practitioner, teacher, and 15 year student of the way of Qigong. His experience is rooted in Buddhist meditation, Taoist theology, Gnostic teachings, and is informed by in-depth study of 5-elements Chinese medicine.

Since 2001, he has been fostering an enduring personal practice which has included various forms of meditation, breath work, mantra, prayer and energy movement traditions from around the world. He completed the four-year Medical Qigong program at The Center Place in Boulder, CO in 2022 and has since been treating clients using skill sets in various specialties. He continues to offer widely accessible classes in-person and online.

It is with deep respect and humility that David continues his journey with this ancient practice as a teacher, healer, and life-long student.

“Qigong is a continuous method of working with the inner energy. It is more than a martial art, greater than a study…  it is a way of life.”

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Feel the difference


  • Energetic balancing and release.

    1 hr 30 min

    140 US dollars
  • Instructed form flow.

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    1 hr

    $10-30 sliding scale
  • Deep cleaning of the stuck energies within the spine and related chann...

    1 hr 15 min

    125 US dollars
  • Cleaning the 12 organ meridians.

    2 hr

    225 US dollars


Boulder, CO​​

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